Station 8 · Les vignes

Until the 18th century, the communal land had over 10 hectares of vineyards, located on its slopes to benefit from good sunlight.

Spring in the orchards

This cultivation was probably intended for the personal consumption of wine by local farmers, as there is no sign of production in the archives. They also cultivated currant bushes whose fruits sweetened the obtained wine!

The vineyards have now almost disappeared, as only one single plot remains.

Les dernières vignes By turning around on the ascent of the vineyards, you can admire the view of the village below and the opposite hill, with meadows and orchards, as well as the Basel Country Golf Club located on the lands of Wentzwiller and Hagenthal.

From this spot, you can also enjoy a beautiful panorama of the southern Black Forest, Huningue, and Germany.

Seen by the children

In the past, many hectares of vineyards covered the fields along the Rue des Vignes. Now only a few rows remain, because making one's own wine is complicated and people prefer to buy it.