Station 6 · Les maisons anciennes

Until the end of the 19th century, the village extended from west to east along the course of the Altenbach, and from south to north on the traffic axis towards Attenschwiller.

7 Rue de l’église – 1602

The Rue de l'Église presents a row of traditional half-timbered Alsatian houses, some of which date back to the 16th century. Their construction dates can be found sometimes on their pediments, sometimes on the stone above the cellar door. Many of them have been renovated, and some are currently undergoing renovation. The most imposing buildings are former farms, with their living houses and barns surrounding a large courtyard.

1 Rue Creuse - 1571

Behind you, you will see the presbytery, an imposing building constructed in 1820, renovated in 1937, and transformed into housing units in 2004. The lintels of the ground-floor windows are engraved with the following inscription: "DESES HAUS STETH IN GOTTES HANTT. GOTT BEHIET UNS VOR FLUß UND BRAND – 1820 – DURCH DIE GEMEINDE WURD DAS HAUS GEBAUD UND DEM LBEN GOTT ANVERTRAUD" "This house rests in the hand of God. Lord, protect us from water and fire – 1820 – Built by the community, the house was entrusted to the beloved Lord."

The presbytery – 1822

Seen by the children

Wentzwiller has many old houses: some have been destroyed because they were too old or not well maintained, and others have been renovated to preserve traces of the past.

19 Rue de l’église - 1700